A Variety of Shoes

A Variety of Shoes

  • Treatments A Foot Doctor Can Recommend For Gout

    Gout is a complicated medical condition associated with a buildup of uric acid in the bloodstream. The uric acid then crystallizes within your joints, leading to serious pain. Since gout is so complex, most patients end up with several doctors collaborating on their care. Your primary care physician and an orthopedic doctor will generally provide most of the treatment, but since gout normally affects the feet first, you should also consider seeing a podiatrist.

  • What Should You Know About Bunion Surgery?

    Bunions are a bony protrusion that can manifest on the side of the foot. They're typically caused by improperly fitted footwear, although genetics plays a role as well. Bunions aren't dangerous, and they can be safely left alone as long as they are not causing you pain. If your bunion is painful and bothersome, it should be removed through bunion surgery. A podiatrist can schedule you for bunion surgery after examining your foot and diagnosing your condition.

  • The Toes Of A Troll: Foul And Unpleasant Looking Toes, And How To Treat Them

    Care of your feet is more important than you realize. If your feet hurt, if they have problems with the toes or the joints, or they have sores that make it hard to walk, you cannot move as well as you may want. When your toes can only be described as those belonging to a troll in both sight and smells, you need to see a podiatrist. Here are all the unpleasant things that make your toes, well, unpleasant.

  • Diabetic Foot Care Basics

    In addition to consistently monitoring their blood sugar levels, patients with diabetes also need to pay special attention to their feet. Consistently high blood sugar levels can damage nerves, particularly the nerves in the feet, resulting in a condition called peripheral neuropathy. Suffering from peripheral neuropathy can make it difficult to notice a cut on your foot or that you have an ingrown toe nail. Properly caring for their feet is critical for individuals living with diabetes.

  • 4 Guidelines To Follow For Diabetic Wound Care

    If you suffer from diabetes, it is important follow procedures that encourage your wounds to heal as quickly as possible. When left untreated, a seemingly small wound can easily turn into a diabetic ulcer. Diabetic ulcers easily become infected and may require hospitalization, amputation, or surgery to contain the infection. The feet are a particularly susceptible spot for many diabetics due to poor blood flow, nerve damage, and the wear and tear of the activities of daily life on the feet.

  • 2024© A Variety of Shoes
    About Me
    A Variety of Shoes

    Growing up, I was never very interested in buying a large quantity of shoes to pair with my outfits. I rarely owned more than five or six pairs of shoes at any given time. I usually wore either my favorite pair of sneakers, boots, flats, or heels everywhere I went. When I married my amazing husband ten years ago, my shoe closet expanded. My generous spouse encouraged me to buy some several pairs of cute shoes to match my clothing. After shopping for new shoes, I was hooked. Now, I rarely wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. Thankfully, I’ve learned that wearing a different type of shoe each day is good for my foot health. On this blog, you will discover the most important benefits of wearing a different kind of shoe every day of the week.
